Saturday, February 07, 2009

Today, more than any other day,
I look to set up my own life,
Disentangled from the lives of others,
On its own roots.

These little things that I bought with my money
Make me proud and sensate
And rooted.
Rather than the rhythms
Taken from a love
Whom I don't trust, whom I don't love.

I have no dreams, I have no ambitions.
I am some little piece of algae that grows and abates
Let me add up all the change
And leave none for you to count.

Let me play the tones that float out from songs of young.
These little things we did and we didn't,
These little things that are so fragile, they can't bear the sun of the day.
Let me make my peace
Let me make my peace,
Though it may cost me more.

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